Friday 22 February 2008

Porsche Vs Congestion Charge

I dont own a porsche (not yet, but soon), but i am glad that the german company announced at the start of the week that they oppose mayor Ken Livingstones plans to increase the congestion charge to £25 for bigger engines. Its about time someone stopped talking about how unfair these costs are and do something about it.

One can only assume that there is a huge conspiracy to wipe out cars, as petol prices continually creep up, rising penalty fares and constant new laws. The congestion charge increase is seriously pushing it. Politicians and people in the government never have to use london transport so they do not understand that it is not an alternative to driving. London transport is late, expensive and most certainly congested, so its no wonder people are sticking to cars. It has been said that Porsche are starting an online petition, one which i would be more than happy to sign.

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